
获得学位所需的学分数: 99 for those who complete an internship through the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship 中心 (APPIC); 102 for those who complete a non-APPIC internship

Number of Credits Required to Earn the Degree with the Concentration in 应用行为分析: 105 for those who complete an APPIC internship; 108 for those who complete a non-APPIC internship


or SPSY 5303 道德及法律问题
CPSY 5526多元文化咨询3
or 该5524年 社会文化动力学
EPSY 5529测试和测量3
EPSY 5561一生的发展和学习3
EPSY 8627研究设计与方法导论3
SPSY 5667认知评估概论3
SPSY 5671综合评估3
SPSY 5674行为和评估的社会和情感方面3
SPSY 5676应用行为分析3
SPSY 5771行为的生物学方面3
SPSY 8773发展性精神病理学和低发病率残疾3
SPSY 8776心理学的历史和系统3
SPSY 8777青少年心理咨询理论与技术“,3
SPSY 9487专业问题与实习(2学期)6
SPSY 9488学校心理学高级实习(6学期)6
SPSY 9551咨询3
SPSY 9687学校心理学临床督导研讨会6
SPSY 9688心理教育门诊(2个学期)6
SPSY 9876监督心理服务3
SPSY 9885学校心理学实习 16-9
高级统计学课程 23
选修课程或应用行为分析集中课程 36-12
研究课程 46
SPSY 9999

Students who undertake an internship through the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship 中心 (APPIC) complete 6 credits of SPSY 9885而完成非appic实习的学生必须修9个学分 SPSY 9885.


Students select their statistics course in consultation with their academic advisor.


如果学生选择选修共6个学分, they select their two electives in consultation with their academic advisor. 如果学生选择专注于应用行为分析, 他们完成以下12个学分的课程作业.


在总共6个学分中,至少有2个学分 SPSY 9999 必须采取行动.


The optional 12-credit concentration in 应用行为分析 allows students to meet the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s educational requirements to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA):

阿坝5306组织行为管理- OBM3
or 8610 组织-社会专题研讨会

实习: An internship with a minimum of 1,500 hours must be completed in an approved setting. 至少要在学校学习600个小时. 实习可以是一年的全职实习,也可以是两年的半全职实习.

实习期间, students must submit a portfolio of professional work for review by the advisor.

The preliminary examination is an essay examination that covers key areas of Psychology and School Psychology to determine the student's competence and ability to explain key concepts. 涵盖四个领域:

  1. 科学心理学
  2. 谘询及干预
  3. 诊断和补救
  4. 角色/功能和道德/法律考虑

The preliminary examination is taken after completion of all academic subjects except for the internship. It is offered over two days, with each section of the examination requiring three hours. The exam is administered and proctored at a time determined by the College of Education and Human Development.

All School Psychology faculty participate in writing the exam by submitting questions and by evaluating the written exam. 要通过考试,需要在所有四个方面都取得及格成绩.

The dissertation proposal demonstrates the student's knowledge of and ability to conduct the proposed research. 最低限度, the proposal should contain the context and background surrounding a particular research problem; a survey and review of the literature to a sufficient degree to provide the reader with enough information to understand why the research is being conducted; a detailed methodological plan for investigating the problem; and a proposed timeline for completing the dissertation. 博士生咨询委员会必须批准学生的建议, 这是在正式的提案辩护中提出的吗.


The doctoral dissertation is an original piece of scholarship that makes a significant contribution to the field of School Psychology. 该项目的大部分论文都是经验性的, typically using statistical analysis as the means of completing the data collection process. 其他类型的奖学金(如.g., those utilizing more qualitative approaches or those employing theoretical or philosophical analysis of educational issues) may be acceptable. 一篇成功的论文将会在期刊上发表.

The Doctoral Advisory Committee oversees all aspects of the student's dissertation from the proposal to the oral defense. 它由研究生院的三名成员组成. 通常由学校心理学教师担任委员会主席. At least one faculty member from outside the program must be on the committee. The student chooses their committee in consultation with the selected chair. A student may petition for a change of chairperson or member of the Doctoral Advisory Committee. This petition must be approved by the Department Chair and by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and 研究生 Studies. Complete details about the dissertation process are available in the College of Education and Human Development Dissertation Handbook, 在院长办公室可以找到吗.

The Dissertation Examining Committee evaluates the student's dissertation and oral defense. It is composed of the three members of the Doctoral Advisory Committee plus one additional faculty member, i.e.,外部审查员. One member may be assigned by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and 研究生 Studies. The Dissertation Examining Committee evaluates the dissertation and the student's ability to defend it. 委员会投票决定论文的通过或不通过. 辩护的结果由多数人投票决定.

Students who are preparing to defend their dissertation must confirm a date and time with the Dissertation Examining Committee. Notification of the date and time must then be submitted on the appropriate College form to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and 研究生 Studies no less than 3 weeks prior to the oral defense. The announcement of the oral defense is sent by the Associate Dean to the 研究生 School no less than 10 days prior to the defense. A copy of the announcement is also sent to each member of the Dissertation Examining Committee and is posted on the bulletin board in the Office of Student Services of the College of Education and Human Development.


Students enrolled in courses that require fieldwork or internships must submit updated child abuse, 每年都有犯罪和毒品许可. 了解有关提交通关要求的更多信息.


学生应完成儿童发展方面的课程, 基本统计信息, 一般心理学和学习/认知理论. 如果你没上过这些课, you will need to enroll in a few introductory courses in educational psychology, 人类发展与学习理论.

请注意,这些不是入学先决条件, but students enrolled in the program may need to complete coursework in these areas concurrent to the requirements of their program.