Master of Education in Secondary Education

The Master of Education (MEd) in Secondary Education 该计划侧重于当今中学生的需求和学科领域. 面向大学毕业生和在教育之外拥有本科学位的专业人士, 这个研究生课程准备毕业生在他们选择的内容领域,如英语,教7到12年级, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies or World Languages.

这个研究生课程提供了各种学科领域和几种设计方法的初步认证途径. 所有的选择都包括在一个内容领域获得相当于学术专业的学位,以及参加发展和教育学课程,这些课程使学生能够有效地向青少年教授所选择的内容领域.

你可以完成这个研究生学位的兼职或全日制的基础上夜校在坦普尔的主校区在费城. However, you will be required to fulfill a student teaching requirement, which is a full-time commitment.

After successfully completing the minimum requirements for certification, students may choose to leave the program with only certification, or they may elect to continue in the program, 完成额外的学分和必要的要求,以获得认证和获得硕士学位.

中等教育课程的申请者有兴趣通过全日制课程获得认证, urban-focused STEM teacher residency program may also explore Temple’s Teacher Residency program.

Who might be interested?

中等教育医学硕士课程是为在获得以下领域之一的学士学位后选择改变职业的个人设计的, 为他们准备中学教育(7至12年级)和特殊教育的初级教师资格证书.



  • English Education

    准备让中学生参与文学和非文学口头和书面文本的制作和解释. Learn to identify the structures and functions of language; become familiar with the texts and histories of U.S., European and non-Western literary genres; and place reading and writing within the larger context of films, plays, videos and other forms of expression. 了解更多关于中学教育硕士课程的信息,专注于英语教育.

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  • Mathematics Education

    了解不同数学成绩水平学生的兴趣和能力. Focus on problem-solving skills, mathematical thinking processes, 以及让儿童和青少年积极参与学习的方法. 了解更多关于中学教育硕士课程的信息,重点是数学.

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  • Science Education

    在至少一门科学学科中建立坚实的基础,并酌情提供数学方面的专业知识. 毕业时理解科学的本质及其与社会的复杂关系. This program offers concentrations in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, General Science, and Physics. 了解更多关于中等教育硕士课程的信息,专注于科学.

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  • Social Studies Education

    培养必要的技能,在民主社会中培养尊重多样性的知情公民. Focus on critical thinking about curriculum frameworks and materials; curriculum development grounded in teaching for understanding; and sensitivity around areas such as race relations, gender, war and peace, equality of economic and social opportunities, and global interdependence. 了解更多关于中学教育硕士课程的信息,专注于社会研究.

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  • World-Foreign Languages Education

    学习目标语言的流畅性和外语教学的最佳实践能力. 专注于一门外语,发展跨文化理解,以摆脱狭隘的文化视角. Through the experiences in this program, you will gain a deeper understanding of the nature of culture and the Chinese, French, German, Italian, Latin and Spanish languages.

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Secondary Education Professor teaching a class

Teacher Certification

This program prepares you to successfully complete state certification exams,你可以申请宾夕法尼亚州教学证书. Learn more about certification.


In addition to state certification exams and student teaching, you must complete field experiences as part of your coursework. 实地实习的目的是让你在教育和非教育环境中与儿童一起工作的教学经验. 大多数实地体验要求学生在一个学期的课程中花整整七天的时间在课堂上. During the student teaching semester, students are required to spend every day in the classroom for 14 weeks.

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 该教育硕士课程提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并提供多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. These tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,105.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,518.00 per credit


Student Clubs & Organizations

在应对项目挑战的同时,寻求同伴的支持和领导机会. 你也会找到回馈社区的机会,无论是本地的还是全球的. Students can join the 

  • Temple University Graduate Students Association, 为研究生助理维护积极的工作生活和条件的学生雇员工会.
  • Temple Student Pennsylvania State Education Association, 哪个组织举办活动,分享有效的课堂技巧和其他资源,以培养教师.

Search for additional 教育与人类发展学院及与教育有关的学生组织.


For more information about this program, the College of Education and Human Development, how to apply for admission, and your application status, contact Enrollment Management.

Enrollment Management
Ritter Annex 150
1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-8011


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